One of the decisions securities fraud attorneys need to make before even bringing the claim is who to name as defendants in the lawsuit. Typically this is the party who made the material misstatement, but what does that really mean? In the case of many Wall Street firms the identity of the real maker of the statement can become cloudy, with wholly own subsidiaries and corporations formed by other corporations all interacting with each other. This is the exact issue that the Supreme Court has recently addressed, defining who the “maker” of a statement is. Although the Supreme Court provided clarity in the opinion about who was a “maker,” this clarity created legal loopholes which allow corporations to avoid liability under private rights of action of Section 10b-5 for those entities with creative ways of creating additional corporations that observe corporate formalities.
In the United States Supreme Court case of Janus Capital Group, Inc. v. First Derivatives Traders, decided by the Court on June 13, 2011 the Plaintiff, First Derivative Traders, brought a private 10b-5 securities claim as a class representatives against Janus Capital Group (“JCG”). The allegation was that JCG and its wholly owned subsidiary, Janus Capital Management (“JCM”) made false statements in mutual fund prospectuses filed by Janus Investment Fund (“JIF”) — for which JCM was the investment advisor and administrator — and that those statements affected the price of JCG’s stock. Although JCG created JIF, JIF is a separate legal entity that is owned entirely by mutual fund investors.
To he held liable under a 10b-5 claim for false statements the party must, “make any untrue statement of material fact.” The issue was whether or not the investment advice and counsel given by JCM to JIF, which it incorporated into its prospectus, constituted “making” a misrepresentation for the elements of a 10b-5 claim.
The district court dismissed the claims, finding the defendants were not the makers, and then the Fourth Circuit reversed. Then, the Supreme Court stepped into the fray granting certiorari to the case. There the plaintiffs continued to argue that JCG had made the statements, and in addition, also argued that JCG should be held liable as a control person under Section 20(a). The Supreme Court disagreed, holding that JIF was the only “maker” of the statement and therefore JCM and JCG could not be held liable under a private action under Rule 10b-5.
The Supreme Court clarified that JCM, even though it was the primary architect of JIF’s prospectus did not “make” the misrepresentations within the prospectus, but instead JIF was their maker. The Court found that under 10b-5 the “maker” of statements, “is the person or entity that has ultimate authority over the statement, including its content and whether and how to communicate it.” In its reasoning the Court made the analogy to a speechwriter and a speaker saying, “Even when a speechwriter drafts a speech, the content is entirely within the control of the person who delivers it.”
The Court also made clear the stark division between bringing a private action under 10b-5 and the SEC bringing claims under the rule. Relying on its decision in Central Bank of Denver N.A. v. First Interstate Bank of Denver, N.A., 511 U.S. 164 (1994), the Court stated that the private right of action under rule 10b-5 does not extend to aiders and abettors of securities fraud, those avenues of redress being reserved to the SEC. Since, the Court concluded that the JCM did not “make” the misrepresentation under 10b-5 the Plaintiffs claim failed.
This ruling seemingly creates a massive loophole in the scope of private claims actionable under 10b-5, in essence shielding parties that originate misrepresentations simply because they were not the party to effectuate their dissemination. The dissent to the Court’s opinion voiced by Justice Breyer picked up on this inequitable result. Justice Breyer argued that the Court’s definition of “make” was far too limited and in fact had no basis not only in securities law but in the wider English language usage of the word. For him, to construe “make” as the Court did was to artificially create a statutory loophole that limited the effectiveness of private claims under 10b-5 without support of legislative intent to do so. When taking in the policy concerns focused on the availability of equitable remedies for securities fraud and the maintenance of a fair market place, Justice Breyer’s position is both more sensible and defensible. Unfortunately though, it is not the law of the land.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wrongful Death Of An Adult
At Starr Austen & Miller we help family members who have
experienced the wrongful death of an adult loved one, as well as a child.
(Click here for more information about child wrongful death claims, since they are handled differently under a different
When a family member dies it can be a very emotional and gut
wrenching experience. Unfortunately, when that death was caused by another
person, in addition to having to deal with the grief and loss the surviving
family members may also be left with complicated legal issues.
A wrongful death lawsuit may be necessary if a loved one dies as
a result of a truck or automobile accident, work related injuries, medical
negligence, or injury from a defective product, for example.
Even when a death is accidental in nature, if there is negligence
involved, it may allow surviving family members to get compensation for their
loss. The Indiana Wrongful Death
Statute, and accompanying case law have confirmed what kinds of damages are,
and are not allowed, and it depends on many factors surrounding both the
decedent and the surviving family members.
If a decedent has left behind surviving dependents, such as a
spouse, dependent children or other dependent next of kin, then the following
damages may be awarded, taking into consideration both the decedent’s age,
health and life expectancy and how long the dependents were expected to remain
Loss of earning capacity, including probably
future earnings, reduced by persona living expenses
Value of future support the dependents could
have reasonably expected to receive
Loss of love, care and affection that dependents
could reasonably have expected
If a decedent, on the other hand, did not have any
dependents since he or she was unmarried, but did have either parents or
non-dependent children who survived, then, as long as those parents and/or
children had a genuine, substantial and ongoing relationship with the decedent,
they could be awarded damages for loss of love and companionship.
In addition to the damages listed above, the personal
representative of the decedent’s estate could also be entitled to damages in a
wrongful death action for the following:
Value of hospital and other health care services
provided to the decedent in connection with the injuries caused by the
Value of necessary and reasonable funeral and
burial expenses
Cost of administering decedent’s estate,
including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses
The costs of pursuing the wrongful death
lawsuit, including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses
You cannot receive punitive damages in a wrongful death action
used to either punish the defendant or discourage similar conduct. In addition,
you cannot receive damages to compensate you for your grief.
As mentioned previously, Indiana has specific statutory laws
about wrongful death in this state, and they can be complicated, with issues
experienced attorneys should handle for you. The attorneys at Starr Austen
& Miller are experienced in this specialized area of the law and are here
to assist you to get the maximum compensation allowed by law for your
If you’ve lost a loved one due to someone else’s fault or
negligence, we’re here to help.
Deceptive Accounting Practices Can Constitute Both Material Misrepresentations And Scienter For 10b-5 Claims
In securities fraud litigation
it can be difficult to identify the material misrepresentation sometimes
without careful scrutiny because typically companies try to be sly about it.
This is what happened with Gateway, Inc. in a case recently, where the company
tried to use deceptive accounting practices to misrepresent to investors the
health of its quarterly sales. Turns out that these deceptive accounting
practices constituted both the material misrepresentation, and because the
deception made it look like Gateway was trying to hide something it also
constituted the scienter element necessary for the case.
practices in an effort to maximize the company’s profits and live up to the market
forecasters’ expectations of their quarterly revenue growth. Feeling the weight of a
more competitive and shrinking personal PC market in 2000 Gateway felt pressure to
preserve its perception of corporate health through suspect accounting. This type of
misrepresentation is no less harmful to investors and the case is a way of sending a message to companies not to engage in these deceptive accounting practices in the future.
In the case styled Securities And Exchange Commission v. Todd,
decided by the Ninth Circuit on June 23, 2011
the SEC brought a securities fraud claim against Gateway Inc. and several of
its corporate officers under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, section 10(b)
and Rule 10b-5. The allegations in the complaint dealt with three unusual
transactions during the year 2000 where Gateway had unusual large sales to
other corporations and reported them in a deceptive way through its accounting
practices to make it look like they had better normal quarterly sales than they
really did.
The case actually went all the
way to a jury trial, where the jury found the former Gateway financial
executives liable on all claims by the SEC. Thereafter, the defendants brought
motions for judgment as a matter of law, which the district court granted,
basically nullifying the jury’s decision. The SEC then appealed to the Ninth
Circuit, which after review of the evidence determined that at least some of
the district court’s orders should be reversed and the jury’s verdict
reinstated for the 10b-5 claims.
Specifically, the Court of
Appeals reviewed the evidence supporting the viability of the SEC’s 10b-5
claim. Liability under 10b-5 requires evidence of (1) a material
misrepresentation, (2) in connection with the purchase or sale of security, (3)
with scienter, (4) by means of interstate commerce. In reviewing the jury
verdict of the Plaintiffs’ 10b-5 claim the court acknowledged that the standard
of review for such considerations was that “a jury’s verdict must be maintained
if it is supported by substantial evidence.” In light of the facts, the
majority of the court’s attention focused on whether or not the SEC had
provided enough evidence to support the jury’s verdict on the misrepresentation
and scienter elements of their claims. The court concluded that the deceptive
accounting and reporting of these incidents by Gateway was enough evidence to
support the jury’s verdict in regard to the misrepresentation and scienter
elements of the 10b-5 claims.
The Gateway decision illiterates
one of the basic protections afforded by securities
fraud litigation. While not
involved in a blatant Ponzi scheme or similar activity the corporate officers
of Gateway were riding the line of accurate account and reportpractices in an effort to maximize the company’s profits and live up to the market
forecasters’ expectations of their quarterly revenue growth. Feeling the weight of a
more competitive and shrinking personal PC market in 2000 Gateway felt pressure to
preserve its perception of corporate health through suspect accounting. This type of
misrepresentation is no less harmful to investors and the case is a way of sending a message to companies not to engage in these deceptive accounting practices in the future.
Contractual Promises For The Future Which Are Breached Are Not Material Misrepresentations Under Securities Law
All securities fraud lawyers know it can be tough to make it past a 12(b)(6) motion in securities fraud cases,
because of the intense scrutiny all complaint allegations get under the law and
procedural rules. That’s why its important to first make sure you properly
identify the material misrepresentations upon which your client relied, since
this is the cornerstone of the case. Unfortunately, what we’re learning is that
promises of future behavior that investors may rely upon, if they are part of
contractual language, will not constitute the first critical element of
securities fraud cases.
Trust, a trust created to distribute royalty interest from oil production in Prudhoe Bay to
purchasers of Trust units traded on the New York Stock Exchange. When BPXA created
the trust, it executed an Overriding Royalty Agreement to govern the details of the
interest distribution. Pursuant to the Overriding Agreement, BPXA contracted to operate
its production in Prudhoe Bay according to a “prudent operating standard.” Then during
each quarter the Trust attached the Overriding Agreement, with its “prudent operating
standard” clause to its SEC filings.
The recent case of Reese v. BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc.,
decided on June 29, 2011, by the Ninth Circuit
illustrates this point well, since many of the claims brought against the
company failed because the court determined no material misrepresentation was
properly alleged. The appeal originated with a securities fraud action
involving British Petroleum Exploration of Alaska (BPXA). In fall 2006 BPXA was
in charge of supervising its pipeline and oil production facilities in Prudhoe
Bay Alaska. During that time two separate pipeline leaks resulted from the
buildup of bacterial colonies in the pipeline due to sediment accumulation. In
the resulting action under the Clear Water Act brought by the U.S. government
BPXA admitted to being aware of the sediment buildup before the spills. The
class of Plaintiffs represented by Claude A. Reese, were those individuals who
purchased shares of BP in the time frame leading up to the spill, who
collectively suffered billions of dollars of capital loss when the stock
plummeted in the spill’s aftermath. The Plaintiffs alleged that BPXA had given
them assurances that such spills, which had occurred before, were a thing of
the past due to new safety protocols. Based on that assurance the Plaintiffs
filed a securities fraud suit against BPXA.
The Plaintiffs claimed that BPXA
made false and misleading statements about its
operations in Prudhoe Bay through
the SEC filings of the BP Prudhoe Bay RoyaltyTrust, a trust created to distribute royalty interest from oil production in Prudhoe Bay to
purchasers of Trust units traded on the New York Stock Exchange. When BPXA created
the trust, it executed an Overriding Royalty Agreement to govern the details of the
interest distribution. Pursuant to the Overriding Agreement, BPXA contracted to operate
its production in Prudhoe Bay according to a “prudent operating standard.” Then during
each quarter the Trust attached the Overriding Agreement, with its “prudent operating
standard” clause to its SEC filings.
The Plaintiffs claim that this
act when taken with the admitted negligent operation of the Prudhoe Bay
pipeline constituted a material misrepresentation and the grounds for a
securities fraud action. The Court of Appeals rejected this claim by the
Plaintiffs using the general “reasonable investor test,” which holds that a
statement is misleading in the context of securities fraud if “it would give a
reasonable investor the impression of a state of affairs that differs in a
material way from the ones that actually exist.” For the Court of Appeals the
Trust’s Overriding Agreement, with its prudent operating procedure clause,
constituted only a contractual promise to perform services, not a material
guarantee that such services would be performed in the future. They reasoned
that a breach of a contractual promise of future action does not constitute a
material misrepresentation that will support the allegation of fraud. Thusly,
the Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court’s partial dismissal of the
Plaintiff’s claim based on a failure to show a material misrepresentation.
The case provides a valuable
lesson in the standards to which investors will be held when engaging in
securities trading. Recent trends in securities law focus on the doctrine of
“investor beware” and increasingly hold investors to a high standard of due
diligence in their investment activity. Here the court held that investors
should not assume that a contractual promise of a company to act in a certain
manner is a guarantee of such action, relying on the contractual doctrine of
efficient breach, which assumes that people will sometimes intentionally breach
their contractual agreements for no other reason than financial gain. While the
Court of Appeals left open the issue of whether or not the Plaintiffs could
recover contractual remedies from BPXA, their ruling illustrates the proactive
environment of investing that all Plaintiffs should be aware is required.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Class Action Versus Mass Action
Practical And Legal Differences Between Class
And Mass Actions
Before filing a case on behalf of multiple people who have been
injured, either physically or monetarily, an initial decision must be made of
whether to bring each person’s claims individually, or as a group. If you
believe bringing the claims as a group would be more beneficial for purposes of
economy of scale, greater bargaining power collectively, and efficiency, the
next issue that needs to be decided is whether to pursue the case as a class
action or a mass action. These two types of procedural mechanisms for bringing
a group of claims together are appropriate under different circumstances, and
each have their own pros and cons.
Sometimes the decision of which type of action to pursue is easy,
while other times there is some strategy and weighing of options involved, as
well as legal considerations of whether the proposed class meets the criteria
for certification. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when making
this decision with your clients:
How Many Plaintiffs Can Be
Practically Joined And Can They Represent Others Or Just Themselves?
One of the most obvious differences between a class and mass
action are the number of plaintiffs named in the lawsuit. Class actions have
only one or a few named plaintiffs, who act as representatives of the entire
class, because, as Trial Rule 23 says, the class is so large joinder of all the
members would be impracticable. That means technically there are only a few
named parties to the lawsuit, and those class members not listed as class
representatives have very limited input and responsibilities with regard to the
Those absent class members normally don’t have to answer
discovery, go to depositions or court hearings, and don’t have to prove their
claims individually (at least not their liability claims). Instead, although
there are some chances along the way for them to opt out or contest any
settlement, for example, even class
counsel only has to communicate with class members during certain limited times
during the lawsuit. The other side of the coin of this representation, however,
is that if the class is certified the results of the lawsuit are res judicata for all class members --
whether named or not. That is why to get certified as a class the court must
determine that the class is adequately represented by both the class
representatives and the attorneys for the class.
On the other hand, mass actions typically have many allegedly
injured parties too, but instead of choosing one or two people to represent
everyone, each person is individually listed as a plaintiff in the lawsuit.
Since the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) was signed into law in 2005,
whenever such a mass action lists over 100 plaintiffs though, it is typically
deemed to be a class action removable to federal court by defendants. 28 U.S.C.
1332(d)(11). Further, when many lawsuits, even across districts, deal with the
same issues they are often brought together with federal multi district
litigation, governed by the procedural rules found at 28 U.S.C. 1407 and 2112.
Unlike with class actions, each plaintiff in a mass action has
responsibilities for doing all the activities that any regular plaintiff must
do, like discovery, etc. Further, although there are some procedural mechanisms
that can be put in place to try to prove some elements of the case across the
board for all claimants, at the end of the day each person’s case ultimately is
decided individually.
How Similar Are The Plaintiffs
Claims In Regard To Both Commonality And Typicality?
The other major difference between a class action and mass action
is whether the claims are similar enough, either factually and/or legally, to
be able to prosecute them as a whole. Class actions can only be brought if they
meet all the requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 (or a similar
state rule, such as Indiana Rule of Trial Procedure 23), whereas mass actions
are a default when all such requirements cannot be met.
There are many procedural rules set in place for determining when
a class action is appropriate, but ultimately the idea behind each of them is
to make sure that the person who is the class representative can adequately
represent the interests of his or her fellow class members. This was touched
upon above, but it also is important for the other two major requirements for a
class to be certified -- commonality and typicality. The idea is that a class
representative could not adequately represent another absent person if they do
not pose questions of law and fact common to the class, and if the named
parties claims or defenses are not typical of the class.
Mass Torts Sometimes Are
Not The Right Fit For Class Actions
A common example of claims that are sometimes not appropriate as
class actions are mass torts, where multiple people are injured such as in a
large accident. Mass torts can include such things as injuries from
pharmaceutical drugs, large scale accidents and even products liability claims.
In fact, the comment to FRCP 23(b)(3) explicitly cautions against the use of
the class action device in mass tort cases. The reasons for this include that
these cases involve personal injuries and sometimes even death, meaning that
each claim is not easily described as “typical,” because there is a need for
individual evidence of exposure, injury and damages for each plaintiff, not
just class representatives.
Here in Indiana we are unfortunately too familiar right now with
such a large accident, the stage collapse at the Sugarland concert at the
Indiana State Fair. In that case the victims have brought a mass action, not a
class action, against various defendants alleging fault for the accident. It
would not have been appropriate to try to bring a class action because there
was no commonality regarding the injuries, and therefore each plaintiff’s case
ultimately must be decided on its own. On the other hand, the State Fair stage
collapse case is perfect for a mass action as the liability claims (what caused
the stage to collapse and who is responsible) will require the same proof for
all the injured parties.
There are both factual and legal differences between individual
claims in mass actions. These differences make it impossible to fulfill the
elements of typicality and adequacy which are required for Rule 23(a). Further,
these same differences make it difficult to demonstrate that the putative class
has the requisite “cohesiveness” which is required in Rule 23(b)(2) and makes
it difficult to demonstrate that the putative class as common issues which
“predominate” which is required for Rule 23(b) claims.
Another reason not mentioned in procedural rules themselves, but
which often is an important factor in why class actions do not practically work
for mass torts is that when someone suffers a personal injury they and the
courts have major concerns about autonomy, and being properly represented as a
class member. Each plaintiff has significant interest in individually
controlling the prosecution of separate actions, and a substantial stake in
making individual decisions on whether and when to settle. This came into stark
focus when, for example, in the nationwide asbestos settlement classes proposed
in Amchem Products, Inc. v. Windsor,
521 U.S. 591 (1997) and Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corp., 527 U.S. 815
(1999) the individual absent class members had concerns so great about the
proposed class action settlements that they pursued their objections all the
way to the United States Supreme Court on multiple occasions.
While there are many legal and practical differences between
class actions and mass actions, they often have the same general goal in mind
-- get relief for the injured parties as quickly, efficiently, and in as
cost-effective manner as possible. Certain factual situations lend themselves
better than others to one procedural mechanism or the other, so the first step
is to examine the facts of the case and decide which has a better chance of
achieving the goals of your clients before going forward.
If you believe that you have a class or mass action case, please contact Mario Massillamany at Starr Austen & Miller at 574-722-6676.
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